Digital Due Diligence

We support you in the realization of mergers and acquisitions by conducting digital & marketing due diligence reviews and advising you on the best steps to take in acquisition and sales transactions.

In-depth technical understanding and marketing channel expertise for digital due diligence

As part of digital & marketing due diligence, we evaluate the digital presence of your brand for investors, as well as its sales potential, technical set-up, customer journeys and digital marketing performance. Our experts compile in-depth insights for you and combine these with reliable assessments of future potential.

Our Clients

Each of our client relationships is a partnership. Always with the aim of jointly turning our clients' visions into reality. 

Due Diligence FAQs

Due diligence enables a thorough examination and analysis of business data and relevant factors. This process can make potential risks and opportunities transparent, providing companies with a sound basis for decision-making in the context of investments, mergers, acquisitions or other business transactions.

Our Projects

Our Insights

Everything you need to know about Google Consent Mode 2
entity x® ranked amongst top Digital Marketing Agencies
How to outperform Amazon on their own marketplace
Case: How we increased the net sales of BONITA by 300%
Winning the customer of tomorrow: How to
Increase brand value through strategic SEO
Data Privacy Update: How to boost your marketing performance in 2024
